Ideas. Innovation. Value.



Vertriebsunterstützung / Business Developer gesucht

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Vierter RIVA Sundowner im Bayerischen Yacht-Club in Starnberg am 9. November 2018

Einladung zum vierten Sundowner im Bayerischen Yacht-Club in Starnberg


NEU IM TEAM: Uwe Fritsch

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Die aktuellen Trends im Innovationsmanagement

Interview mit Frank Wätzig, GF Riva Partners


Agil Managen

In unserem Flyer rund um das Thema Agiles Managen beschreiben wir Grundlagen, Beispiele für...

Determine direction, develop solutions, deliver results

Our activities target measurable results that provide competitive advantage for our clients. We quickly understand the root of the problem, identify solutions, tap unexploited potentials, create understanding and a willingness for change - all important prerequisites for the success of a project and the delivery of results.

Together with our clients we develop strategies, optimise processes and structures and facilitate implementation. That means for us: determine direction, develop solutions, deliver results.

Strategic positioning in the COMPETITIVE environment

Successful companies have a clear long-term strategy. This is fundamental requirement to precisely align the core processes along the value chain – which in turn leads to successful positioning in the competitive environment. We support our clients in making crucial decisions with long-term impact.

Optimization and alignment of innovation und product development

Innovation and Product Development are in the focus of our clients' product and market strategy. The constant renewal and optimization of projects and processes within this domain secures our clients' long-term innovation capability, strength and stability at product launch.

Market success separates an idea from an actual innovation. Mastering interaction between all disciplines involved in all relevant project phases is crucial to secure your innovation capability and a competitive market position.

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Identify details that are critical to success whilst maintaining the big picture

Our consultants and interim-managers are industry-experienced specialists and managers with expert knowledge in innovation management, R&D and project management. We have experienced and mastered challenging situations with operational responsibility and we know that it is the details that are critical to success.

implement sustainable and coherent solutions

Only successfully implemented measures deliver the necessary results. Once your employees buy in the initiated changes and drive them forward to completion, the results become sustainable and the change process is successful.

We contribute our know how and experience in the design and implementation of change processes and apply them consequently during the cooperation with your employees.

Combining state-of-the-art methods with substantial engineering background and ample implementation experience enables us to provide best possible support to meet your needs.



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